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How to Prep for a Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo




On the day, before you arrive;

-avoid caffeine including tea and coffee

-avoid high sugars and stimulants

-wash your hair on the morning of, it makes the next few days easier

-come in with no makeup on, unless you want to show us how you draw your Lips with makeup, then you can come in with eyeliner makeup applied, no mascara

-come in well refreshed (eaten, had enough water)

-go to the bathroom... Yes, we said it(!), that nervous pee is more common than you realise!!!




For 24 hours before hand;

-avoid alcohol

-avoid caffeine including tea and coffee

-drink lots of water

-get lots of sleep as this helps with pain management




For 7 days before hand;

-avoid fake tan (especially on the face, but also on body parts so we can see your natural skin colouring and how you tan)

-stop taking fish oils (however, do not stop taking medications without the advice of a health professional)

-stop taking blood thinners including pre work outs (again, do not stop taking medications without the advice of a health professional)

-stop taking any gym pre work out

-if you suffer from cold sores severely, this is normally where you would start your anti viral prescription (speak to your health care professional as to whether this is appropriate for you)




For 14 days before hand;

-no muscle relaxants (Botox or Dysport) or any dermal fillers for 2 weeks either side of your tattoo (in the area you are having tattooed)




For 30 days before hand;

-stop topical retinol use (Vitamin A based skincare) especially on and around the Lip area

-avoid any facial treatments to the area

-avoid any sun and wind exposure to the face, especially do not let the Lips and the skin around them get burnt and chapped

-it's time to start protecting your lips from the environment such as wind and sun so they are not chapped/ burnt when you come for your appointment

-it's time to start moisturising your lips using our Dermaviduals lip balm every day (if possible, even under/over lipstick if you are a regular lippy wearer) and every night




As soon as you have booked your appointment;

-it's stalking time(!), scroll through our Instagram feed, check out photos, screenshot photos you do like, screenshot photos you don't like and save them in a separate folder 

-start thinking about what colours you like, screenshot colour tones you do and don't like and save them in your eyeliner inspo folder

-start making a list of improvements you would like to make to your eyes, and bring these with you

-arrange your schedule to accommodate for the 7days healing period

-consider booking a Brow Tint & Sculpt, Lash Lift & Tint for the day before (no closer than 24 hours efore your tattoo appt), so your eye area looks more finished during the 7 day healing period and to make it easier not to wet the eyes during this time

-make sure you have read through our entire website, there is a lot of information on here

-arrange your schedule to accommodate for the 7days healing period




Things you need to know about the healing period after your Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo;


Day 0 (your Initial tattoo day)

Immediately after the procedure, the eyes are swollen and bruised. They are very tired feeling from the numbing, however you should have no issues driving home. The colour looks extremely intense/ dark. The tatto site is weepy and may get tender once the numbing wears off. We highly recommend booking our LED session immediately after your tattoo to help the swelling reduce and heal the skin quicker.

Day 0 - Day 1

The eyes are still swollen, bruised and tender. They begin to feel tight.

Day 2 - Day 5

The eyelid skin feels extremely tight as a scab has begun to build up. The scab can feel a bit itchy.

Day 5 - Day 10

The eyeliner scab is finishing the cracking/lifting stage and all scabs are falling off. They feel dry.

Day 10

Your eyes should look pretty normal now, and quite light/dull in colour. It almost may look like you haven't had much done as the liner is muted and has shrunk in. This is all normal. They are likely to be feeling dry.

Day 10 - Day 42

The colour is slowly reblooming. Each week you will likely notice more colour starting to bounce back and regain intensity.

Day 42 - Day 56 (6-8 weeks after your Initial tattoo)

It's time to come back for your Refinement. It is also Judgement Day! Start making a list of improvements you would like to make to your Eyeliner, and bring these with you.



Please note the above is a rough guideline, some clients may heal super quick and some clients may take much longer to heal. This is due to many varying factors such as medications, age, lifestyle, genetics, prep etc.



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